Business Continuity Plan – Aquablast Drain Services Ltd (Covid19)

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Aquablast Drain Services Ltd – We would like to re-assure our clients that we have a robust Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in place that will be implemented (IF) the guidance from the UK Government enforces any temporary shutdowns or business closures as a result of the COVID-19 Virus (coronavirus).

As a drainage company that fully embraces advanced technology which enables our engineers to operate remotely, if any of our local depots in the UK shut down this means Aquablast  will stay open for business, even if one or more of our UK depots may need to close.

We have also implemented some initial policies in the short-term to mitigate any potential issues arising from coronavirus.

These include:

  • Encouraging our clients and employees to reduce travel and face-to-face meetings where a virtual meeting is appropriate;
  • Implementation of robust staff support and engagement plan.
  • Cancelling all work-related travel to affected areas as advised by the UK Government.
  • Ensuring staff wherever possible have remote devices with them in the event of an office shut down.
  • Additional guidance for hygiene precautions.
  • Reviewing our BCP against all likely impacts arising specifically from a coronavirus-related closure.

If you have any queries or concerns and would like any additional information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with either us at

We will notify all customers of any changes in circumstances via email, as well as on our website and social media channels.

Kind Regards

Jane & Steve Harris-Dickinson

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